CitationContextSource LinkCitation “History can suggest to us alternatives that we would never otherwise consider. It can both warn and inspire. It can warn us that it is possible for a whole nation to be brainwashed, for “enlightened” and “educated” people to commit genocide, for a “democratic” country to maintain slavery, for oppressed to turn into oppressors, for “socialism” to be tyrannical and “liberalism” to be imperialist, for whole peoples to be led to war like sheep. It can also show us that apparently powerless underlings can defeat their rulers, that men (for at least most moments of time) can live like brothers, that men can make incredible sacrifices on behalf
CitationContextSource LinkCitation “Politicians whose hopes rest upon the popular ignorance and prejudice, and not upon the popular intelligence, furiously sneer at the idea of equality. It is important, therefore, that every man should understand what human equality is. It is an elemental lesson, but the attack is made at the very foundation and must be met there.” ~George William Curtis, American author & orator “The American Doctrine of Liberty,” Address to the Harvard Phi Beta Kappa Society (17 July 1863) Harvard University, Cambridge, MA; in Orations and Addresses of George William Curtis, Vol. I, ed. Charles Eliot Norton, New York: Harper & Bros., 1894, p. 105; online via Stanford University
W.E.B. DU BOIS – American author, educator, sociologist & civil rights leader – AUTHOR QUOTE PAGE