CitationContextSource IDCitation “A lawyer is never entirely comfortable with a friendly divorce, any more than a good mortician wants to finish the job and then have the patient sit up on the table.” ~Jean Kerr, American author & playwright Mary, Mary (1960) Script, Act I; New York: Dramatists Play Service, Inc., 1965 revised ed., p. 33 Context Extended excerpt [Play dialogue - character ‘Oscar’ to ‘Bob’ & ‘Mary’]: “OSCAR. (Crosses U.R.C., eyeing them both.) Please don’t be embarrassed on my account. I’m delighted. I hate a friendly divorce. A lawyer is never entirely comfortable with a friendly divorce, any more than a good mortician wants to finish the job and
CitationContextSource LinkCitation “Honest labour bears a lovely face.” ~Thomas Dekker, English playwright With co-authors Henry Chettle & William Haughton, Patient Grissel: A Comedy (1599) Act I, Scene I, ‘reprint from the black-letter edition of 1603,’ London: Shakespeare Society, 1841, p. 9; online via Oxford University & Google Books, Context Extended excerpt [Play, Character ‘Babulo,’ “The Song” – to ‘Janiculo’ & ‘Grissil’]: “Work apace, apace, apace, apace; Honest labour bears a lovely face; Then hey noney, noney, hey noney, noney.” (p. 9) Source Link Source link: Patient Grissel: A Comedy (1599|1841 reprint of 1603 edition) online via Google Books: CitationContextSource LinkCitation “This age thinks better of a gilded